Monthly Archives: March 2023

Let’s band together

2023-03-29T13:26:18+10:00March 29th, 2023|Tips|

"If we don't band together as women to help each other, we won't move forward." Nicole Kidman I love this! It’s the basis of my business and pretty much my life. I love the concept of women helping women - whether it’s by employing them in a role that utilises their skills and matches their personality, or mentoring them in a business they can [...]

Why does property ownership matter?

2023-03-22T14:15:05+10:00March 22nd, 2023|First home buyer|

It’s no secret that Aussies love owning property. Interest rates, property values, latest sales, investment tips and hot spots are often favourite topics of conversation at social events. You could say that we’re a little obsessed. The two key factors that make property ownership so valued to us are: 1. wealth accumulation and 2. security. Our obsession makes sense, if that’s what we’re going [...]

What does money really mean to you?

2023-03-16T15:18:26+10:00March 15th, 2023|Money management|

Most of us have a response to money that is often deeply seated and unconscious. We tend to sit in one of three camps: Stress - We are concerned that we don’t have enough to cover expenses, or that we’ll never have enough, or that money is “the root of all evil”. Ambivalence - Money comes and goes and it doesn’t have too [...]

It can’t possibly take 138 years, can it?

2023-03-08T09:31:41+10:00March 8th, 2023|lifestyle|

As a female business owner, employing a team of fabulous women, with a mission of empowering women to take control of their finances, International Women’s Day is a big deal to me. It’s really not so long ago that life was very different for us. We were often stay at home mothers, prohibited to even work once we were married, let alone own [...]

Remarkable young woman doing remarkable things

2023-03-01T09:06:56+10:00March 1st, 2023|lifestyle|

I was reading about a young Australian woman the other day who is the youngest person to complete the Polar Hat Trick. I didn’t even know what the “Polar Hat Trick” was so I did some more research, and found that this young woman is truly remarkable. Let me list the feats of Jade Hameister: In 2013, at age 12 Jade completed the trek [...]

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