Monthly Archives: November 2024

Getting your first foot on the property ladder.

2024-11-27T10:08:24+10:00November 27th, 2024|Property investor|

If you want to buy a home but struggling to turn your dream into your reality, it’s time to stay focused, keep your eye on your goal and turn down all the noise around why you can’t do it. So let’s look at how you can do it - but we may need to think outside the square. A great way to get your [...]

Setting up for success

2024-11-20T10:33:09+10:00November 20th, 2024|Tips|

Working together with an aligned vision seems to be such a foundation for so many things that when it doesn’t happen it’s almost a surprise. Whether it’s a sports team trying to win the game, a couple saving for their first home, a family hosting a special event, a class working on an end of year assignment or a work team delivering a [...]

Let’s prepare for a strong finish

2024-11-13T10:04:24+10:00November 13th, 2024|lifestyle|

I love this time of year - it has a taste of the crazy without being full blown frantic. I can lull myself into a (perhaps false) sense of security that I’m on top of things. I can write my lists, prepare my budgets, get things sorted at work to reduce the last minute rush, support my team to finish the year strong, fill [...]

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