We want it all, don’t we! We want a great job, fabulous partner, beautiful home, amazing holidays, well-behaved kids and we might as well add a unicorn to the list!
And we’d like it now please.
But, particularly as women, we’re continually told that we can’t have it all.
We have to choose between having a family and a career – apparently, we can’t have both even though men often do, homes are too expensive so you may expect to rent for longer than you want to, holidays may be put on hold while you’re climbing the corporate ladder and freezing those eggs.
So why can’t we have it all? Who said?
And why do we believe them?
I want to tell you that you can have it all! You can build your own bliss – however that looks.
For me, the secret to having it all is money. I don’t mean huge piles of cash or earning an absolute ton of it – but learning how to effectively manage the money that you have.
It’s all about you, your goals, dreams and priorities.
I’ve come up with a little acronym to help you to have it all. It’s BLISSS
B for Believe you can. If you don’t believe that you can have it all, you will be right. You won’t have it all. You’ll have to compromise and make do. Who wants that? But if you believe you can, unwaveringly believe that you can, then you will. You need to have faith (and a plan that you actually put into place), and it’s the first crucial step that you need to take.
L is for Letting go. Once you know what you want, believe that you can have it, you need to let it go a little. It will still be right with you, but it needs to walk beside you, rather than you hanging onto it for grim life. Let it go and set it out into the universe.
I is for Innovate. Get creative on how you’re going to make this happen. You don’t have to follow someone else’s plan or rules. How else can you achieve your goals? How can you make it happen?
The first S is for Structure. Even though you might get all creative and innovative about how you’re going to make things happen, you do need to put structure around it.
The second S is for Systems. Hand in hand with the structure is the system. What systems do you need to have in place that will support the structure and keep you on track for achieving your goals?
The final and added bonus S is for Support. You don’t have to do this alone – and you probably can’t do it alone. Whether you’ve got a great partner, a gal pal cheersquad, a bestie who has your back, a supportive family, a career coach, a money coach, a mentor or a therapist – get support in place. The right support will keep you on track and accountable.
If you’re looking for the structure, system and support components, take a look at Cash Strapped to Cashed Up Money Mastery Course. I designed this course to help women just like you feel empowered around money, take charge and be in control.
Go out and find your BLISSS and if you need help, just let me know.