Summer is just around the corner and it’s my favourite time of year.
It tells me that new beginnings are here. New opportunities for growth, fresh starts and spring cleaning (and I don’t just mean your home or wardrobe).
The mornings are brighter, the days are getting longer and there seems to be more time to just get stuff done.
It also signals to me that there is more time for me to do things for me. It’s time to shake off winter and get more of that work-life balance alignment that we all seem to crave.
Things that I’ll be doing (or arranging to be done for me) over the next month include:
- Spring cleaning the house top to bottom (outsourcing that one for sure!)
- Cleaning out my sons’ wardrobes (they are growing like weeds)
- Scheduling more time for outdoor exercise and family fun
- Reviewing our family spending plan
- Having a money meeting with my husband to review our goals and progress
- Having one on one meetings with my team to review their goals and performance and making sure they’re getting their balance right too.
What do you love about this time of year and what new beginnings can you put in place right now?