I was watching an interview on the weekend with an incredibly charismatic 76 year old woman from New York. She shared many gems and little nuggets of wisdom during the 45 minutes we had together, but one really stuck with me.
She said, “Every morning when you wake up, you have a decision to make. Are you going to be your own best friend today? Or are you going to be your own worst enemy?”
I love this because it reminds us that we are in the drivers seat of our own life – and that every day we get to choose how we show up – every single day.
We can either get on board and work towards achieving our goals, step by step, day by day or we can choose to coast through life, going where the breeze takes us or we can work against our goals and put things off until tomorrow.
I’ll go to the gym tomorrow, I’ll eat better tomorrow, I’ll just buy this today and then get back on my budget tomorrow…the list goes on.
So, this is our reminder that it’s up to us. And, personally, I love that! I love the accountability and responsibility. I love that I can make stuff happen.
It reminds me that goals aren’t just things to be written on a piece of paper and filed away. They are to be lived, worked on, updated, reviewed, celebrated. They’re living, breathing things that we should be passionate about.
If not, I think it’s time to rethink those goals.
If you want to be entertained and inspired by this woman, search for Jane on Soft White Underbelly on YouTube. She is a real treasure!