There’s just one question you need to ask before you even start planning. Are you renovating to turn your home into a dream home for you or for someone else?
It’s a pretty different renovation if it’s for yourself versus someone else. If it’s for you, then you need to think about your time frame of living there and the transformations that your life (and your family’s) will undertake during that time frame. Would a second living room be handy as the kids get older? Would an outdoor kitchen and dining area become the perfect entertaining space? Will you need another bathroom? Is the kitchen easy to work in? Is your bedroom your peaceful haven?
If you’re renovating for someone else, then you need to look at the demographics of the area and the possibilities of the home. Is it an area where lots of young singles live or young families live? Young singles will probably be looking for the cool vibes whilst families will be looking for ease and practicalities. Older families will be looking for space and storage, empty nesters will be looking for less space and more ease.
Once you’ve decided what you’re doing, you need to look at your budget. This is crucial, particularly if you’re renovating to sell as you don’t want to overcapitalise. The whole purpose is for a good return on investment, so you need to be smart where you spend your money to make sure you get the most bang for your buck.
Renovating is a process that needs thought and planning. It’s usually a stressful project, so putting the work in before you even start will help ease that stress.
What the best thing you’ve ever done in a renovation or what do you dream of creating in your home?