I recently read an article in a magazine about the power of mindset and mindfulness. Each of these alone have an incredibly powerful impact on the results we achieve, but when used together, they are a powerhouse – a truly winning combination.
If we focus on a mindset of being successful, achieving our goals, securing our next career move, or whatever it is you want in life, that is a great start.
But when we combine that mindSET with becoming mindFUL of the actions we take and whether or not they are aligned, this adds another powerful layer onto the whole process.
Just say you want to buy a house and your goal is all about becoming a home owner. You have vision boards, a saving and spending plan, you‘re scoping the market and going to open houses. You‘re doing all the right actions but what if your mind isn‘t on the same page? You‘re still overspending, you‘re doubting whether or not your dream will ever become a reality, you‘re outwardly hopeful but inwardly a little defeated.
That “little defeated“ fear needs to be dealt with. Rather than it being paralysing, what can be done to work around it?
Becoming mindful of our thoughts and fears and the power they have on us is a great starting point for change.
So my plan is to become more mindful of my mindset and ensure they‘re both aligned for success.
What other winning combinations work for you?