How old is too old?

How young is too young?

Well it all depends on the context doesn’t it. What is it that you’re too old or too young for?

I think it also depends a lot on the mindset. If you think you’re too old, then maybe you are. If your parents (or our laws) tell you you’re too young, then maybe you should listen to them.

But if in your heart and mind you know that age isn’t a barrier to what you want to do, then I strongly suggest that you create a plan and a support team and get to work making it happen.

If you think you’re too young to buy your first home or too old to get a mortgage, there might be a way around it.

If you have the income to support the mortgage payments, then there’s a high possibility that your loan will be approved – depending on other conditions of course, like debt, etc.

I love seeing social media clips of 90 year olds doing gymnastics or running a marathon,or teaching their grandkids how to do something that they were great at throughout their lives. Their mindset is focused on what they CAN do, not what they CAN’T do.

So what’s holding you back from achieving your dreams?

Is it your mindset?

Great news if it is, because that’s something that you are in control of and have the ability to change.

#mindset #makeithappen #buythathouse