

Kickass Woman Profile – Stephanie Gilmore

2021-08-25T20:48:07+10:00August 11th, 2021|Tips|

I love hearing stories of people doing good things and when I saw a post from World Champ surfer Stephanie Gilmore apologising for not bringing home a gold medal from the Tokyo Olympics, it really moved me. So I went to Google to find out more about this wonder woman. She’s a beautiful 33 year old Aussie girl from Kingscliff in northern NSW. She [...]

Random Acts of Kindness

2021-08-25T20:50:43+10:00August 4th, 2021|lifestyle|

Kindness is something that is so important yet often so easily forgotten. I don’t know about you, but to me, kindness is one of the most important things in the world. It changes my day when someone is kind to me and it also changes my day when I’m kind to someone else. It doesn’t have to be big, grand gestures. It can be [...]

What are you listening to right now?

2021-08-03T10:39:48+10:00July 28th, 2021|lifestyle|

Is it helping you or stressing you? Is it supporting you to have a great day, work towards your goals and get you into a productive mood and positive mindset? If not, change the channel! Listen to something else or turn it off! We can get so caught up with things that are happening in life that sometimes they become overwhelming and we need [...]

What are your life priorities?

2021-07-14T10:35:17+10:00July 14th, 2021|First home buyer|

Are the choices you're making aligned with those priorities? Sometimes we can't quite figure out why things aren't working out the way we'd planned and then we take a step back and look at our choices, actions and behaviours and realise that they aren't in sync. No wonder they're not working out! How long since you've taken "inventory" of your priorities versus your choices? [...]

Teamwork makes the dream work

2021-07-07T11:57:25+10:00July 7th, 2021|Home loan|

To say that I'm proud of my team and the business I've built is an understatement. It's been hard work but so very rewarding in so many ways. This week our excellence has been recognised once again. We are finalists in the Australian Broking Awards 2021 for "Customer Service of the Year" and one of my team for "Loan Administrator of the Year". These [...]

How can we help you achieve your home ownership goals?

2021-07-07T11:52:05+10:00July 5th, 2021|Home loan|

I was going through some old files the other day and came across a statement that really made me change the way I think about my business, my team, the service we provide and how we can help you. The statement is “don’t tell me about your fertiliser, tell me about my lawn”. I don’t know who said it first or where the saying [...]

Making the best of a tough situation

2021-07-07T10:41:48+10:00June 30th, 2021|lifestyle|

A whole lot of us have been plunged back into lockdown and it doesn’t feel great. Concerns over our health and financial security have arisen again, as has our sanity. For those of us with kids, I’m not sure if navigating home schooling was harder than dealing with the disappointment of lost holiday plans and lack of structure. But we will get through this. [...]

Are you looking for more?

2021-06-28T16:35:55+10:00June 23rd, 2021|lifestyle|

Over the last 12 months we've seen a huge increase in demand for regional properties. Many people are looking for a sea change or a tree change. They're being driven from the cities looking for "more". Whether that "more" is a slower pace, more connection to family or nature, more time to do things other than work, less financial strain with a smaller mortgage, [...]

Tax time!

2021-06-28T16:38:41+10:00June 17th, 2021|Property investor|

We're at the wind-down of the financial year and for property investors, that means one thing... tax write-offs. Investing in property is more than just buying a property. It's about having a strategy behind that investment. Whether your strategy is to minimise tax or create wealth, it makes sense to claim every deduction possible related to the management and maintenance of your property. If [...]

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