

Mortgages. Are they all about the interest rate?

2021-06-17T18:55:20+10:00June 10th, 2021|Home loan, Refinance|

The aim of securing the “right” mortgage is always about getting the best combination of rates and features to suit the borrower. For some, this will be getting the absolute lowest interest rate because the aim is to pay the mortgage off asap. No bells, no whistles, just the cheapest rate. For others, they may be willing to pay a little more so they [...]

How can you capitalise on the property boom?

2021-06-02T11:06:39+10:00June 2nd, 2021|Property Market|

The current property boom is a hot topic right now with lots of people wanting to know how they can capitalise on it. Here are my tips to give you some ideas: First home buyers Get on the bandwagon. Property isn't going to get any cheaper and it's going up at a rate faster than most people can save. So if you can afford [...]

What’s stopping you?

2021-05-31T11:24:07+10:00May 27th, 2021|First home buyer|

Is there something you want to do but just can’t do it because something/everything/one thing is blocking you? Whether it’s getting a new job, employing a new team member, starting your own business, joining a gym, having a baby, buying a new home or investment property, the list goes on. I’m hearing this fear a lot at the moment from people who want to [...]

2021-22 Federal Budget – what does it mean for home buyers?

2021-05-14T14:21:22+10:00May 14th, 2021|First home buyer|

The 2021-22 Federal Budget has been delivered and there are some great incentives for home buyers. Let's take a look! First Home Super Saver Scheme (FHSSS) The FHSSS allows you to save money for your first home using your super fund. The maximum amount you were able to release through this scheme was $30,000 but has now been raised to $50,000. Given low bank [...]

Buying a fixer-upper

2021-05-14T13:41:36+10:00May 12th, 2021|Construction loan, First home buyer, Next home|

The way the property market is right now, it's really important to think outside the square if you want to upgrade or even to buy your first home. Buying a property that is ripe for renovation is a great way to get your foot in the door if you're struggling to find exactly what you want at the price you can afford. But buying a [...]

Self Care

2021-05-14T13:40:57+10:00May 4th, 2021|lifestyle|

Self care is such an important concept and one that is forgotten all too easily. The old adage “if you can’t look after yourself, you can’t look after anyone else” is so true, yet in our day to day life, especially as busy executives, we can get so busy doing things, putting out fires, solving problems, caring for others, that we run out of [...]

Taking time

2021-05-03T17:04:46+10:00April 27th, 2021|lifestyle|

Last night I took some time to stop, find a perfect viewing position and watch the rise of the pink super moon. It was one of the most beautiful sights I’ve ever seen. And what I really loved about it was all the other people around me who also stopped and took time to watch this moon rise. This isn’t normal in my experience. [...]

Re-financing – 5 reasons to refinance

2021-05-03T17:45:47+10:00April 20th, 2021|Uncategorized|

Refinancing. Is it time for you to take a look at your mortgage? It seems that refinancing is the thing to do right now because rates are so low. You’d rather put money into your pocket than the banks, wouldn’t you? Here are my top 5 reasons to refinance: Save money by paying a lower interest rate Keep payments the same and reduce the [...]

How to buy a house

2021-05-03T17:55:11+10:00April 13th, 2021|First home buyer|

You want to buy a house but you can’t because the market has gone crazy. So what do you do? The thing you don’t do is nothing because you could miss a great opportunity. So keep your eye on the market, keep talking to neighbours, agents, friends, anyone who you think who could help you on your crusade. But it’s also a great time [...]


2021-04-07T11:51:48+10:00April 7th, 2021|Money management|

We all have routines, but sometimes they work for us and sometimes against us. I’ve got a couple that I love that really serve me well. The first is about managing my start and end of day at work. I start with a 5-10 minute stand up meeting with my team so we can all check in and be aware of any priorities for [...]

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