

Secrets of renovating

2021-03-23T15:53:43+10:00March 17th, 2021|Tips|

Renovating. It can turn your "nice home" into your dream home. You just have to make sure the process doesn't turn into a nightmare. My top 3 tips for renovating are: Research. Figure out exactly what you want and why and then who can do it for you. Get referrals to builders and tradies or DIY classes if you're planning on taking it on [...]

Do you have Savings Goals?

2021-03-10T08:32:39+10:00March 10th, 2021|Money management|

Do you have savings goals? Like all goals, they're so important to keep you on track, focussed and working towards something. And the best part about goals is that you get to celebrate when you achieve both the goals and the milestones along the way! If you have a plan to buy or renovate your house, upgrade appliances, take a holiday, buy a new [...]

Remember to stick to your game plan

2021-03-03T09:54:44+10:00March 3rd, 2021|Refinance|

There's a whole lot of hype you can get caught up in right now relating to the property market and interest rates. The media is reporting huge price growth for property and there are some ridiculously low interest rates available. But you need to remember one thing: Does it work with your game plan to buy, sell or re-finance right now? If it's appealing, [...]

Financial challenges

2021-03-02T14:27:47+10:00February 18th, 2021|Money management|

We all have financial challenges - or have had them. But how do we manage them? My first major financial challenge was to stop spending every cent I earned. I felt that I’d worked hard so I deserved to spoil myself and some things were just too hard to resist! Thankfully this didn’t lead to credit card debt - just a continuing zero bank [...]

Are you watching the property market with interest?

2021-03-02T13:29:12+10:00February 10th, 2021|Property Market|

We’re seeing record high property sales prices, auction clearance rates and open home inspections combined with record low interest rates and it’s creating some real energy. The result is that the property market is going a little bit crazy right now. Sea changers are flocking to regional and coastal areas, people are upsizing, downsizing, investing, rent-vesting. Home owners and developers are buying and selling [...]

Is now a good time to buy property?

2021-02-02T17:42:07+10:00February 2nd, 2021|First home buyer|

That's a question we're asked all too often and the answer is always the same at its most simple form. If it's a good time for you to buy property, then it's a good time to buy. There will always be exceptions and factors to take into consideration - such as the economy and the property market - but it really all comes down [...]

Investing in property in South East Queensland

2021-02-02T17:43:45+10:00February 1st, 2021|Property Market|

2021 certainly rolled around fast and we're already into our second month. How did that happen? There's a whole lot going on in the property market with huge demand growing in south east Queensland. It seems like everyone in the country has found out that this is the place to be! Vacancy rates on rental properties on the Gold and Sunshine Coasts are at all [...]

Getting your finances organised

2021-02-02T17:13:39+10:00January 27th, 2021|Money management|

The last 10-11 months have been different - to say the least. Many of us have adjusted to working from home, not working at all or being chaotically busy at work. Parents have had to figure out how to home school, entertain their kids and keep them mentally and physically fit without playdates, sport and so many of the activities that are a normal [...]

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