

Home loan options

2020-08-03T16:28:29+10:00July 21st, 2020|First home buyer|

Besides finding the perfect property to buy, another big and important decision you need to make is the type of loan you want and the features you need.  I'll give you a brief overview of the most popular options: Variable Standard variable loans are the most popular home loan in Australia. Interest rates go up or down over the life of the loan depending on [...]

Are you ready to negotiate?

2020-06-27T00:51:00+10:00June 27th, 2020|Next home|

The early bird catches the worm and the prepared buyer gets the property. It’s not always as cut and dried as that, but if you turn up to an auction or a real estate agent’s office ready to bid or negotiate, with your finance pre-approved, then you’re in a much better position than someone without pre-approved finance. There are a few “must do” things [...]

Researching – why it’s so important before buying a property

2020-06-18T04:37:51+10:00June 18th, 2020|First home buyer|

Research is so vitally important when you're buying a house for three reasons: You want to make sure you're buying in an area you want to live, You're likely to benefit from increasing property values, and To gain an indication of a properties value so that you know what is a fair price to pay. Let's start with number 1. It's important to think about [...]

HomeBuilder Scheme

2020-06-16T01:18:18+10:00June 16th, 2020|First home buyer|

Have you been thinking about renovating or building a new home? Now is a great time to talk to me about your options. The Federal Government has just announced the $680 million HomeBuilder program that makes available $25,000 grants to help build or substantially renovate your home. How does it work? It’s only available for contracts signed between 4 June 2020 and 31 December [...]

Initiatives for first home buyers

2020-06-16T21:16:14+10:00June 12th, 2020|Uncategorized|

For first home buyers, there are some seriously good government incentives that can help you make your home ownership dreams a reality. These include: First Home Loan Deposit Scheme First Home Super Savers Scheme HomeBuilders’ Grant First Home Owners’ Grant Transfer Duty (Stamp Duty) Concessions and Exemptions What is the First Home Loan Deposit Scheme? The federal government’s scheme is designed to allow easier [...]

The early bird catches the worm and the prepared buyer gets the property.

2020-06-01T20:51:48+10:00June 1st, 2020|First home buyer, Next home, Property investor|

It’s not always as cut and dried as that, but if you turn up to an auction or a real estate agent’s office ready to bid or negotiate, with your finance pre-approved, then you’re in a much better position than someone without pre-approved finance. There are a few “must do” things before you start negotiations or set your auction budget. The first is to [...]

Support and accountability for long term change

2020-06-01T00:29:54+10:00June 1st, 2020|Money management|

They say a man is not an island, but neither is a woman! However, when it comes to money, many of us feel like we're stranded all alone on a desert island with no one to talk to. Talking about money is hard and it's usually shrouded in fear of how you'll be judged. You might be judged as wasteful if you earn too [...]

Money management structure and systems

2020-06-01T00:25:20+10:00May 31st, 2020|Money management|

We've seen that the first steps to becoming a kickass money master are: Motivation Owning your Now Negotiating Your next step is to evolve your habits and there are a few things you need to make that happen. Two of them that work hand-in-hand are structure and systems. These can be: Your spending plan Your automatic payments for bills Different bank accounts for essentials, [...]

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