

Innovate, get creative and negotiate

2020-06-01T21:08:47+10:00May 18th, 2020|Money management|

If you've taken on the challenge to improve your money management, you will notice that it takes a while to change old habits. It might feel like sometimes you're taking two steps forward and one backwards. As long as you keep your focus on your goal rather than your slip-ups, you will get there. Hopefully, you should be starting the shift from "mindless" money [...]

Let it go…

2020-05-17T21:13:15+10:00May 17th, 2020|Money management|

Let it go is more than a song title that I'm sure we've all heard too many times... It's also a major step in moving forward. When relating this to becoming a kickass money master, the first part of this step is to "own your now". You need to figure out exactly where you are financially right now. No matter how bad! If you're [...]

The first step is to believe you can change your spending habits

2020-05-17T20:52:25+10:00May 17th, 2020|Tips|

In my experience, the first step in taking control of your money is to have the motive to change. That's a really big one because if we don't have a reason to change, it's pretty easy to stay stuck until it gets too uncomfortable to stay there. But let's not wait that long! Let's take a stand now and find that motivation to change. [...]

Finding your BLISSS

2020-05-03T23:55:09+10:00May 3rd, 2020|Uncategorized|

We want it all, don’t we! We want a great job, fabulous partner, beautiful home, amazing holidays, well-behaved kids and we might as well add a unicorn to the list! And we’d like it now please. But, particularly as women, we’re continually told that we can’t have it all. We have to choose between having a family and a career – apparently, we can’t [...]

Who’s in your cheer squad?

2020-05-03T23:24:55+10:00May 3rd, 2020|Money management|

There is something so amazing about watching someone crushing it. Someone doing something so well that it just leaves you in awe and inspired to go out and do something great yourself. It’s even better when it’s one of your mates who is doing it – and even better again if it’s you doing it! So who, in your world, is doing something amazing? [...]

What’s your motive to change the way you manage your money?

2020-05-03T22:55:26+10:00May 3rd, 2020|Tips|

In my experience, the first step in taking control of your money is to have the motive to change. That's a really big one because if we don't have a reason to change, it's pretty easy to stay stuck until it gets too uncomfortable to stay there. But let's not wait that long! Let's take a stand now and find that motivation. Really explore [...]

What can you be doing right now to get ready to buy a home?

2020-05-04T00:12:31+10:00April 20th, 2020|First home buyer|

Thanks to this pandemic and social distancing, the property market has stalled. We don't know when open houses and auctions will be happening, people are unsure of the future and their job security and everyone seems to be taking a wait and see approach. But if you want to buy a home, there are some things you should be doing right now. You should [...]


2020-06-16T02:00:23+10:00April 16th, 2020|lifestyle|

There’s one thing that’s really being highlighted around the world right now and that’s the importance of connection. It’s a basic human need that so many of us are being deprived of at the moment and it’s having a big impact on us. We can’t see family or friends, we can’t live life as we usually do and whilst we know that it’s all [...]

How to meal plan

2020-04-05T22:15:34+10:00April 5th, 2020|Tips|

I have found that meal planning saves me so much money (and time) (and brain power) that it's not even funny! The goal is to do your grocery shopping once a week. No more, no less. No urgent trips to buy a litre of milk - that ends up costing you $50 because, let's face it, you never come out with just milk. So [...]

COVID 19 – Hardship claims for tenants and landlords

2020-04-06T16:16:41+10:00April 5th, 2020|Tips|

When the Prime Minister announced a moratorium on evictions for tenants affected by COVID-19 there was a collective cheer from tenants, which was matched by a collective groan from landlords. It's important to look at both sides of the picture here because we're always looking for a win-win, right? Usually, our two biggest expenses are our rent or our mortgage repayments. Sometimes landlords have [...]

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