

Guilt spending. It’s time to put an end to it!

2019-11-20T22:55:26+10:00November 20th, 2019|Money management|

OK, I'm calling it. It's time to get over the guilt! Why, particularly as women, are beating ourselves up for spending money? Whether it's on a night out, a new outfit or a pair of shoes or a few too many drinks on a Friday night, we need to be able to spend the money we earn. And we need to get over the [...]

The positives and negatives of positive and negative gearing

2019-11-26T23:32:50+10:00November 15th, 2019|Property investor|

When you're investing in property, you need to know whether you should be aiming for positive or negative cashflow. This should all be part of your investing strategy and will have implications on your tax. Positive  cashflow
 This occurs when the property earns more from rental income than it costs you to hold it. This is a great strategy for new investors or for [...]

Which property investing strategy is right for you?

2019-11-10T20:14:38+10:00November 10th, 2019|Property investor|

Investing in property is a whole different ballgame to buying a home, and there are a whole lot of strategies that you need to consider before you decide on which is best for you. And this is before you even start to look for the property! My advice: Do some research, talk to a professional about your circumstances and goals for investing BEFORE you [...]

Who is in charge of your money?

2019-10-30T20:05:19+10:00October 30th, 2019|Money management|

I'm not a financial adviser, but I do take a professional interest in the way people manage their money. While some of us might be bored senseless at the thought of managing money or paying bills or discussing budgets - let alone living on a budget (or spending plan as I prefer to call them!), it's important that you at least have a clue [...]

Where are you getting your financial advice?

2019-10-30T19:20:51+10:00October 23rd, 2019|Home loan, Money management|

I was reading an article yesterday written by a financial planner and she was talking about who people (particularly women) get their financial advice from. The answer she heard most was "Dad". While I love dads and think that the vast majority of them are awesome, unless they work in finance or are actively investing or buying property, they're not the best person to [...]

How to find the best home loan

2019-10-30T18:18:19+10:00October 14th, 2019|Home loan|

Finding a home loan can be hard work. Finding “the best” home loan can be really hard, so let’s break it down. 1. Decide what's important to you - remember, “the best” home loan is different for everyone. What works well for some, doesn’t work well for everyone, so figure out what will work best for you - ie, flexibility to make additional repayments, [...]

A good mortgage broker makes good sense

2019-10-16T21:16:15+10:00October 8th, 2019|First home buyer|

When you go to your bank to discuss your home loan, they’ll usually discuss your plan, take a look at your financial history and tell you whether or not they’ll give you the money you need to buy a home. Going to see a good mortgage broker is a bit different. We often don’t already have your business - we want to win it. [...]

5 things your bank won’t tell you

2019-09-30T20:09:15+10:00September 25th, 2019|Tips|

Some people think that it’s easier to get a mortgage through their own bank. They know them, that’s where their bank accounts and credit cards are, so it just makes sense and should be easy, right? WRONG! There are some things that your bank will probably never tell you: They have a limited number of home loan options available to offer you and they’re [...]

9 mistakes investors make

2019-09-30T20:44:09+10:00September 18th, 2019|Property investor|

Property investing is a different game than buying a home. It requires a different mindset and different criteria. The rewards can pay off big time, but there are some mistakes that investors make that you need to avoid. Buying with the home owners mindset. You're not going to live in this home. You're buying it for someone else to live in, so switch your [...]

7 ways to improve your financial fitness

2019-09-30T20:33:59+10:00September 11th, 2019|Money management|

Fitness is something that most of us strive towards. We want to be strong, fit and healthy. We pay for gyms, personal trainers, active wear, yoga mats and the best runners that we can afford. We spend time and energy on our pursuit of physical fitness. But how much time do you spend pursuing financial fitness? How financially fit do you consider yourself? If [...]

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