

A Winning Combination

2024-06-19T10:41:51+10:00June 19th, 2024|First home buyer|

I recently read an article in a magazine about the power of mindset and mindfulness. Each of these alone have an incredibly powerful impact on the results we achieve, but when used together, they are a powerhouse - a truly winning combination. If we focus on a mindset of being successful, achieving our goals, securing our next career move, or whatever it is you [...]

Have you got itchy fit?

2024-06-12T08:02:38+10:00June 12th, 2024|Tips|

If you've got itchy feet and thinking about upgrading, downsizing or just yearning for a tree/sea/postcode change, then now is the perfect time to start preparing your home for sale. My tips to get the highest sale price are: 1. Contact a couple of local agents that have a good profile. Arrange a meeting and see what they have to say about your home [...]

Are you still open to learning?

2024-05-29T09:29:33+10:00May 29th, 2024|lifestyle|

Who are your mentors? Who inspires you? Who do you learn from? As we get older I've found that our mind tends to shut down a little to learning because we kinda know a lot. We've got experience, we've achieved stuff, we've had successes. But, in my experience, I've found that I have so much more to learn. I just have to find the [...]

What’s the plan?

2024-05-22T08:23:12+10:00May 22nd, 2024|lifestyle|

What’s the plan? Are you an organiser or a “fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants” type? Planning is something that I either excel at or is a complete nightmare. In my experience, every good plan starts with a list. On the good days I power through my list, like a master of productivity. Totally unstoppable, laser focused and determined to tick off every item. It’s like I’m an athlete [...]

Time to slow down to achieve more

2024-05-15T08:22:40+10:00May 15th, 2024|lifestyle|

This morning I came to the big realisation that I’ve been running lately - not physically - just mentally. And I don’t like it. I’m trying to do too much - at work, at home, socially - the lists just keep getting longer and it’s adding unnecessary stress to my days. The song that plays on my alarm is “Last Request” by Paolo Nutini. [...]

Insights into the Brisbane Property Market

2024-05-08T08:14:42+10:00May 8th, 2024|Property Market|

We thought it would be timely to give you some key insights into what's going on in the Brisbane property market because things are looking good for property owners and investors. Brisbane homes have seen extraordinary capital growth, rising 50.2% since March 2020. The strong population growth has been aided by an increase in remote work, increasing housing demand, driving down supply and making it [...]

How do you respond?

2024-05-01T08:17:52+10:00May 1st, 2024|Home loan|

Last week, with the release of the March Consumer Price Index, economists started predicting that there would be interest rate rises this year. This is in direct contradiction to their previous predictions that there would be cuts this year - which we've all been holding our breath waiting for. The truth is that we don't know and we won't know until the RBA meets [...]

Could systems help you achieve your goals?

2024-04-24T10:10:23+10:00April 24th, 2024|Tips|

A few years ago I introduced systems into my business. They help train new team members, they ensure that no step is forgotten, they help with decision making and they ensure quality and consistency through every process. I find them incredibly useful and one of the most valuable resources I have. If something is working so well in one area of my life I [...]

Are you struggling to buy a home?

2024-04-17T10:42:42+10:00April 17th, 2024|Tips|

As a mortgage broker I come across people struggling to buy a home almost every day. Their struggles tend to fall into one of three categories: money knowing what they want competition If you’re struggling with money, here are some options to help: set up a spending & savings plan get a side hustle, save 100% of the earnings ask for help from a [...]

The key is to mindfully manage your money

2024-04-10T09:52:05+10:00April 10th, 2024|Money management|

And it's the key to so many things. Mindfully managing your money simply means that you think before you spend. Which means that you are conscious of the impact on your financial bottom line, you think about whether you really need the item you're considering, you may also be conscious of the impact on the environment, the difference it will make to your life [...]

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