
Getting organised

2022-10-27T08:46:24+10:00October 27th, 2022|lifestyle|

Being organised is something that I either excel at or is a complete nightmare. On the good days I power through my list, like a master of productivity. Totally unstoppable, laser focused and determined to tick off every item. It's like I'm an athlete in the high performance zone! Other days (thankfully not often) I don't even get to look at my list because [...]

Aussies supporting Aussies

2022-10-19T09:06:31+10:00October 19th, 2022|lifestyle|

I was reading an email on the weekend from a woman named Grace Brennan who started an Instagram page called Buy From The Bush (#BFTB) in an effort to do something practical to help people living in the country and struggling to survive the drought. So much has happened in the three years since its inception but this little page survived and became a [...]

Celebrating International Daughter’s Day

2022-09-28T10:42:26+10:00September 28th, 2022|lifestyle|

On Monday we celebrated International Daughter’s Day. I don’t really know what these types of days are supposed to signify or how they should be celebrated other than posting photos of you with your daughter on your socials. But I don’t have a daughter. I do have 4 gorgeous sons who fill me with love, laughter and eye rolls daily, but no daughters. So [...]

Traditions – are they working for you?

2022-09-21T13:20:15+10:00September 21st, 2022|lifestyle|

Over the past couple of weeks, we’ve seen and heard a lot about traditions. To some, they are beautiful, meaningful and respectful. To others, they’re outdated, no longer meaningful and trapped in a world that no longer exists. Which got me thinking about the traditions or “norms” in myself, my business, my family and community. What are our traditions? What have we lost over [...]

Annual check ups – what’s on your list?

2022-09-14T09:38:14+10:00September 14th, 2022|lifestyle|

Are there things in your life that undergo an annual review? I was talking to a friend the other day (who also happens to be a nurse) and she was saying that just like we service our car every year (or more often if you drive a lot), we should be having a medical check up every year. I tend to leave going to [...]

Keep that spring optimism going strong!

2022-09-07T17:41:19+10:00September 7th, 2022|lifestyle|

Spring is finally here and I always think it brings a hint of optimism with it. It's time to shake things off and bring out the new. It's the perfect time to spring clean your home, sort out your wardrobe and anything else that could do with a review, tidy up or starting fresh with anything that's no longer working for you. For the [...]

Boundaries – why are they so important?

2022-08-03T17:41:17+10:00July 27th, 2022|lifestyle|

When we think of boundaries, we often think of the boundaries we set for our kids rather than for ourselves. They're the rules and restrictions we give them to move within to keep them safe, secure and happy. But boundaries are also important in areas of our own lives and work to keep us safe and on track to achieve our goals. Boundaries can [...]

The value of mentors

2022-08-03T17:42:59+10:00July 20th, 2022|lifestyle|

Throughout my life, I’ve been fortunate enough to learn from some great mentors - personally and professionally, formally and informally. When you take the time to look at what others do, how they do it and even why they do it, there is just so much to learn. Whether it’s about problem solving, leading, managing or setting and achieving goals, I’ve learnt so much [...]

Let’s shrug off that post-pandemic blanket and start living again!

2022-06-29T10:18:29+10:00June 22nd, 2022|First home buyer, lifestyle|

I don’t know about you, but over the last couple of years there are a couple of things I’ve really missed. Concerts and holidays. The beauty of seeing a live performance has been missing from our lives, which is awful for us and even worse for the performers. But no more! I’m going to shrug off that post pandemic blanket and book some tickets! [...]

Milestones – my secret weapon

2022-05-18T09:29:19+10:00May 18th, 2022|lifestyle|

Milestones are the little stepping stones along the path of life that let me know that I’m on track to achieve my goals, however big and audacious they are. They’re my little celebratory points that give me a moment to pause, check in, do a little happy dance and then continue with the momentum needed to get to where I’m going. When I work [...]

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