Money management

Girl Maths – let’s stop right there!

2023-11-22T09:37:58+10:00November 22nd, 2023|Money management|

Girl Maths… what even is this? Is it a new phenomenon or am I just late to the party? If I’m late the the party I think I’ll change my RSVP to no. Thank you, but no. I know it’s tongue in cheek and a bit of fun… but it’s not really and it seems to be rife right now with Black Friday sales [...]

Are your actions aligned with your thoughts?

2023-10-18T08:13:28+10:00October 18th, 2023|Money management|

I came across a quote the other day that I just love. It's from American speaker and author, James W. Frick, “Don't tell me where your priorities are. Show me where you spend your money and I'll tell you what they are.” So many of us are a little delusional, saying that we're saving for this or working towards that, yet we're still eating [...]

What lessons do we learn from our parents?

2023-10-11T10:26:01+10:00October 11th, 2023|Money management|

My parents owned a corner store and I learned from them that we had to offer excellent friendly service and be price competitive otherwise people would buy from somewhere else. (Good lesson) I also learnt that when you needed money you could take it from the till. (Not so good lesson) For them it wasn't a problem - it was their business, they knew [...]

What’s it costing you to not have a spending plan?

2023-09-20T08:27:01+10:00September 20th, 2023|Money management|

One of the really important things that I always stress to my clients is that living to a spending plan sets you up for success in life. Knowing what you’re spending your money on is not just being responsible, it’s being respectful of the fact that you’ve worked hard to earn that money. Tracking where your money is going, knowing what it costs you [...]

We’re here to help with mortgage reviews or pre-approval

2023-08-02T08:22:20+10:00August 2nd, 2023|First home buyer, Home loan, Money management, Refinance|

Real estate agents are reporting that they've seen a big increase in the number of properties listed in the last three months. Surprisingly, many of them, particularly in Brisbane and Hobart, have only been in the hands of the current owners for less than three years. Many are being sold by first home buyers and investors. Sadly this is one of the impacts of [...]

Is it time to look at the subtraction side of the equation?

2023-07-19T12:01:05+10:00July 12th, 2023|Money management|

There are a few givens in life that we just take as fact without putting too much thought into it. One of those "facts" is that the more money we earn, the better off we will be financially. Whilst that may be true for that one day a fortnight or month that your salary is deposited to your account, it doesn’t ring true for [...]

Happy New Financial Year!

2023-07-20T15:05:18+10:00July 1st, 2023|First home buyer, Money management, Next home, Property investor|

To many people, this is just a date on the calendar. A day to give your kids a pinch and a punch for the first of the month - unless they beat you to it. But it’s also a great time to set financial goals. What do you want to achieve this financial year? Do you have goals, targets, a plan, a spending and [...]

Does money really buy happiness?

2023-06-28T08:59:44+10:00June 28th, 2023|Money management|

I subscribe to a US based investment adviser, specifically designed for women, and they’ve just posted an interesting article quoting research from US Ivy League Universities, Penn and Princeton, that proves that there is a very strong correlation between more money and happiness. It doesn’t literally buy the feeling of being happy but it does have the ability to seriously influence our overall [...]

What do you need to do to prepare for EOFY?

2023-06-07T10:45:11+10:00June 7th, 2023|Money management|

The end of financial year is coming in fast, and that probably means one of two things to you. EOFY Sale or Time to get things in order for the tax man. If you’re thinking sales, then just remember that it’s only a bargain if it’s something you actually need and will use or wear. Don’t fall into the temptation trap and get blinded [...]

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