Money management


2021-04-07T11:51:48+10:00April 7th, 2021|Money management|

We all have routines, but sometimes they work for us and sometimes against us. I’ve got a couple that I love that really serve me well. The first is about managing my start and end of day at work. I start with a 5-10 minute stand up meeting with my team so we can all check in and be aware of any priorities for [...]

Do you have Savings Goals?

2021-03-10T08:32:39+10:00March 10th, 2021|Money management|

Do you have savings goals? Like all goals, they're so important to keep you on track, focussed and working towards something. And the best part about goals is that you get to celebrate when you achieve both the goals and the milestones along the way! If you have a plan to buy or renovate your house, upgrade appliances, take a holiday, buy a new [...]

Financial challenges

2021-03-02T14:27:47+10:00February 18th, 2021|Money management|

We all have financial challenges - or have had them. But how do we manage them? My first major financial challenge was to stop spending every cent I earned. I felt that I’d worked hard so I deserved to spoil myself and some things were just too hard to resist! Thankfully this didn’t lead to credit card debt - just a continuing zero bank [...]

Getting your finances organised

2021-02-02T17:13:39+10:00January 27th, 2021|Money management|

The last 10-11 months have been different - to say the least. Many of us have adjusted to working from home, not working at all or being chaotically busy at work. Parents have had to figure out how to home school, entertain their kids and keep them mentally and physically fit without playdates, sport and so many of the activities that are a normal [...]


2020-12-17T16:40:12+10:00December 17th, 2020|Money management|

It's interesting to think about all the things we learn from our families. The traditions that are passed on. The values, the beliefs, the patterns and the habits. At Christmas time, we see them all. It's almost like there is a spotlight shining on our family traditions for all to see. When do you put up your tree? Do you decorate the front of [...]

Achieving your goals before the end of 2020

2020-12-17T22:51:09+10:00December 1st, 2020|Money management|

December certainly seemed to arrive quickly this year but we've got almost a whole month left until 2021 arrives to achieve those goals we set in January. How are you going with them? Have you ticked off any or achieved any milestones along the way? Or have you thrown away the rule book? It's been a year like no other and has had many [...]

Improving your money management

2020-10-29T01:13:10+10:00October 18th, 2020|Money management|

If you’ve taken on the challenge to improve your money management, you will notice that it takes a while to change old habits. It might feel like sometimes you’re taking two steps forward and one backwards. As long as you keep your focus on your goal rather than your slip-ups, you will get there. Hopefully, you should be starting the shift from “mindless” money [...]

How’s your money management going?

2020-10-07T18:09:45+10:00October 6th, 2020|Money management|

Technology has brought us so many great things but has it done us any favours when it comes to money management? My answer is yes and no. Yes because it makes it so easy to pay bills, transfer funds, set up direct debits, automate payments etc. No because of the exact same reasons. It's too easy to spend. All you need to do it [...]

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