
Setting up for success

2024-11-20T10:33:09+10:00November 20th, 2024|Tips|

Working together with an aligned vision seems to be such a foundation for so many things that when it doesn’t happen it’s almost a surprise. Whether it’s a sports team trying to win the game, a couple saving for their first home, a family hosting a special event, a class working on an end of year assignment or a work team delivering a [...]

Investing in culture

2024-07-24T08:27:10+10:00July 24th, 2024|Tips|

As a business owner one of the things I invest in is my company's culture. I invest time, energy and money into making sure we have a positive, caring, supportive workplace where my team can excel, my business can grow and my clients receive excellent service - every time. This isn't something that happened overnight and it's definitely not something I can "set and [...]

Growth mindset

2024-06-26T09:10:20+10:00June 26th, 2024|Tips|

I’ve been noticing lately that my approach to challenges can vary greatly depending on what those challenges are. I have quite a competitive nature so if I think it’s something I can win or achieve, I tend to tackle it head on. If the challenge is out of my skill set or interest, I tend to avoid it, delegate it or deny it ever [...]

Have you got itchy fit?

2024-06-12T08:02:38+10:00June 12th, 2024|Tips|

If you've got itchy feet and thinking about upgrading, downsizing or just yearning for a tree/sea/postcode change, then now is the perfect time to start preparing your home for sale. My tips to get the highest sale price are: 1. Contact a couple of local agents that have a good profile. Arrange a meeting and see what they have to say about your home [...]

Could systems help you achieve your goals?

2024-04-24T10:10:23+10:00April 24th, 2024|Tips|

A few years ago I introduced systems into my business. They help train new team members, they ensure that no step is forgotten, they help with decision making and they ensure quality and consistency through every process. I find them incredibly useful and one of the most valuable resources I have. If something is working so well in one area of my life I [...]

Are you struggling to buy a home?

2024-04-17T10:42:42+10:00April 17th, 2024|Tips|

As a mortgage broker I come across people struggling to buy a home almost every day. Their struggles tend to fall into one of three categories: money knowing what they want competition If you’re struggling with money, here are some options to help: set up a spending & savings plan get a side hustle, save 100% of the earnings ask for help from a [...]

Impossible? Never

2024-01-24T08:04:57+10:00January 24th, 2024|Tips|

What's your relationship like with the word "impossible"? Mine isn't good. It actually evokes feelings of competitiveness and disdain. It's definitely a trigger. How dare anyone tell me that something is impossible! I can do anything I set my mind to! So my blood was boiling this week when I came across an article with headlines "Now Impossible for Young People to Buy a [...]

An award that really hit home

2023-09-05T08:54:52+10:00August 30th, 2023|Tips|

Awards are funny things, aren’t they. They’re nice to win and they give you good boost of confidence. They’re good for your clients and potential clients to see that you’ve been recognised as doing well in your profession. They’re good to add to your email signature as a sign of credibility. Generally, they’re a sign that you can be trusted. But then you’re [...]

Review, revise and adjust

2023-07-20T15:01:55+10:00July 19th, 2023|Tips|

We all know how incredibly important it is to plan if we want the outcomes that we’re hoping for. This can be said about so many things in life - career relationships renovations or home construction holidays business growth budget savings the list goes on… But equally important as the planning component is the review, revise and adjust components. Sometimes we have a [...]

Tips for dealing with the interest rate pinch

2023-06-05T17:56:28+10:00May 24th, 2023|Tips|

Lots of us are feeling the interest rate pinch and after such a long period of incredibly low rates on our mortgage, it’s not a nice feeling to be paying so much more that we’re used to. Even if we are able to negotiate a better rate for you, the rate will still be significantly higher than it was a year ago.  So we [...]

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