To say that I’m proud of my team and the business I’ve built is an understatement. It’s been hard work but so very rewarding in so many ways.
This week our excellence has been recognised once again. We are finalists in the Australian Broking Awards 2021 for “Customer Service of the Year” and one of my team for “Loan Administrator of the Year”.
These awards are for our work in 2020 – a year that challenged us all and made me think outside the box on how my business was serving our customers. The result was that we became more proactive than ever in our mindset of “serving”. What could we do to help our customers at a time when many were stressed and experiencing financial strain? We rolled up our sleeves and went to work calling customers, checking in, running numbers, and sometimes refinancing.
And it paid off. We have a ton of very happy customers who are coming back to us time and time again and also referring friends and family.
Making sales wasn’t the point of the exercise. Checking in on the welfare of our customers was. And I think that’s what made all the difference. Genuinely caring and reaching out is what was needed. We delivered.
Well done to my team. Thank you to our customers for trusting us with something that is so very important in your life.
#gratitude #australianbrokingawards2021 #finalist #serviceoversales #buythathouse #teamwork